Weedless Soil creates beauty

Weedless Soil creates beauty

Aurora Gold - Premium Garden Soil

Bag Volume = 1 Cubic Yard (27 cubic feet) - Delivery is INCLUDED and Multibag-Purchase-DISCOUNT Applies


Our most popular and versatile product, 1/4" screened 'Aurora Gold' is a dark soil comprised of an equal blend of locally sourced and composted manure, composted organic matter and a small amount of course sand. 'Aurora Go. READ MORE

Aurora Gold PLUS

Bag Volume = 1 Cubic Yard (27 cubic feet) - Delivery is INCLUDED and Multibag-Purchase-DISCOUNT Applies


Veggie Max - 100% Manure Compost for Fertilizing Existing Vegetable Gardens

Bag Volume = 1 Cubic Yard (27 cubic feet) - Delivery is INCLUDED and Multibag-Purchase-DISCOUNT Applies


Veggie Max is 100% composted manure, locally sourced in the Mount Albert area, aged and screened on site. It's of fine texture, high in nitrogen, dark brown in colour and has no odour.  It is the perfect 'Natural' met. READ MORE

Grass Grower - Lawn Top Dressing

Bag Volume = 1 Cubic Yard (27 cubic feet) - Delivery is INCLUDED and Multibag-Purchase-DISCOUNT Applies


A 1/4" screened weedless mix comprised of a 60% proprietary composted manure blend and 40% coarse sand. This has been a very successful mix for golf courses, playing fields and lawn repair alike. The compost aids rapid see. READ MORE


Soil Calculator

Use this calculator to estimate how much soil you will need for your garden or landscape.


Feet   Inches   Meters  


Feet   Inches   Meters  


Feet   Inches   Meters  

= cubic yards bags delivered
Soil Bag

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